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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2008-09-06

Instructions Empty
PostSubject: Instructions   Instructions Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2008 12:32 am

Thank you for choosing ShoesMS!
ShoesMS Requires:
- MapleGlobal. MapleSEA/jMS/cMS/etc. are not supported.
- Version 0.55 only.

1. Make a new folder on your desktop and name it: ShoesMS. (THIS IS ONLY IF YOU PLAY MapleGLOBAL ALSO! If you do not & do not have MapleStory install in your computer, read further.)
2. The reason why you don't put it on your gMS version is because the version gMS runs on are greater on v0.55. ShoesMS only runs on v55 specifically. So you can download the v0.55 version of gMS. It has all the components you need.
3. While your v55 is downloading, download the TeaMS client . Once the ShoesMS client is complete, drag it (ShoesMS.EXE) to the ShoesMS folder. After the v55 version is completed, it'll probably ask you where you want them to extract it to or ask for a directory. Locate your ShoesMS folder and tell it to extract there.

And there you go! You are done. Click the ShoesMS.exe to run teaMS. Do not click on the MapleStory icon.

ShoesMS Client :
MapleStory v55 Setup :
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